Content-Type: text/shitpost

Subject: An anti-lipogrammatic precommitment
Path: you​!your-host​!walldrug​!epicac​!thermostellar-bomb-20​!skordokott​!berserker​!plovergw​!shitpost​!mjd
Date: 2018-05-02T12:00:30
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/shitpost

Soon, perhaps tomorrow, I will post about lipograms again, and this is my pre-commitment that I will not try to turn the post into a lipogram. Also I will not try to go the other direction and write it to omit all the other vowels.

I was tempted to end this note with “Yow! Am I having fun?” but I am not going to do it.

That last phrase was e-less but it was by accident. But now I want to go back and fix — arrgh I am doing it again! —ARRGH — thE rEst of thE SENTENCE. HA, THERE. I WILL RESIST. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


